Giles Lane (Proboscis) & George Roussos (Birkbeck)
Team: Alice Angus, Orlagh Woods, Sarah Thelwall,
Partners: Proboscis, London Knowledge Lab/Birkbeck
College (Computer Science Dept)
Funding: applications pending (shortlisted
for a Wellcome Trust Sci-art award)
Sensory Threads aims to excavate and visualise the layers of relationships
between people, their health, the local geographic context and the environment
they live and work in. The premise is to make the issues of sustainability
more understandable to the person on the street by making visible the
links between their own health, the 'health' of their local environment
and their choices of consumption.
The project will achieve this by working across a range of 'layers': through
collaborations with a local community to build up a Social Tapestry of
local knowledge of the area and its environmental history; by testing
personal biosensor networks with individuals; by collecting local environmental
data (using such platforms as the Feral Robots); and by correlating this
local, micro-scale knowledge with broader macro-scale public health and
environmental data.
The project
will build upon the partners' core competencies and previous work: with
Proboscis providing social and cultural context, community collaboration
and public engagement; and with London Knowledge Lab/Birkbeck College
providing technical expertise (hardware and software development for biosensors
and online visualising tools).
Sensory Threads aims to stimulate public debates and discussions on these
issues through the local collaborations and the public dissemination of
ideas, evidence and knowledge contributed by participants. The project
aims to create replicable techniques for engaging people in addressing
their own impact on the environment, as well as prototypes for the kinds
of tools (such as the Biosensors and Feral Robots) that could help stimulate
a stronger sense of connection between individuals, their patterns of
consumption and the local environment.
