List of Figures

  1. Snout platform hardware.
  2. Sideview of the main module showing the ports.
  3. Gumstix board used in Snout platform.
  4. Robostix expansion board.
  5. Network card expansion board.
  6. GPS Receiver.
  7. Sensor board constituting four sensor.
  8. Carbon Dioxide sensor.
  9. Carbon Monoxide sensor.
  10. Solvent Vapour sensor.
  11. LED boards.
  12. VDIP module - provides a usb host for the Snout platform.
  13. Flow of events
  14. USB Logging flow of events.
  15. Carbon monoxide readings.
  16. Snoutlondon website
  17. Flickr photos and RSS feed.
  18. Google map.
  19. Snoutlondon call for action.
  20. The Snout
  21. Mask Interior
  22. Cloak
  23. Cloak Inside
  24. Cloak LED
  25. Cloak Embroidery
  26. Mr. Punch Model
  27. Mr. Punch Paper-Mache
  28. Mr. Punch's painted face
  29. Mr. Punch Jacket
  30. Mr. Punch's Neck Ruff
  31. Mr. Punch's Jacket inside view
  32. Mr. Punch's LEDs
  33. Mr. Punch's Embroidery
  34. Initial schedule.
  35. Updated schedule.
  36. Sequential reading of RFID tags taped to the lab floor.

Jenson Taylor 2008-01-25