- Snout platform hardware.
- Sideview of the main module showing the ports.
- Gumstix board used in Snout platform.
- Robostix expansion board.
- Network card expansion board.
- GPS Receiver.
- Sensor board constituting four sensor.
- Carbon Dioxide sensor.
- Carbon Monoxide sensor.
- Solvent Vapour sensor.
- LED boards.
- VDIP module - provides a usb host for the Snout platform.
- Flow of events
- USB Logging flow of events.
- Carbon monoxide readings.
- Snoutlondon website
- Flickr photos and RSS feed.
- Google map.
- Snoutlondon call for action.
- The Snout
- Mask Interior
- Cloak
- Cloak Inside
- Cloak LED
- Cloak Embroidery
- Mr. Punch Model
- Mr. Punch Paper-Mache
- Mr. Punch's painted face
- Mr. Punch Jacket
- Mr. Punch's Neck Ruff
- Mr. Punch's Jacket inside view
- Mr. Punch's LEDs
- Mr. Punch's Embroidery
- Initial schedule.
- Updated schedule.
- Sequential reading of RFID tags taped to the lab floor.
Jenson Taylor